
Learn How To Deploy Delphi 10.3 Rio FireMonkey Apps In The Cloud Via HTML5

Delphi 10.3 Rio FireMonkey apps are cross platform with a single codebase and single UI that target the Android, IOS, Macos, Windows, and Linux platforms (FMXLinux was recently added to Delphi 10.3 Rio Enterprise and Architect). You can also deploy Delphi FireMonkey apps to the web using websockets and HTML5. The method for doing this is basically the FireMonkey app runs on a Windows or Linux server and it’s canvas draws are sent to the web browser via a websocket. Each user connection runs one copy of the app on the server (so one user one app). The server is running the app so it needs enough hardware for however many concurrent apps you want to run.

For FireMonkey Windows apps this can be achieved through Thinfinity VirtualUI. Thinfinity is a commercial product which a cost per concurrent user. The user connects to the Thinfinity server, Thinfinity launches the FireMonkey app, handles the user input, and sends the drawing to the browser client. Thinfinity has been around for quite a few years and I would consider it a pretty mature product. It supports enterprise features like load balancing and ActiveDirectory login. You can also use it with Windows apps written in other languages (like C++ and C#).

For FireMonkey Linux apps this can be achieved through FMXLinux and Gtk Broadwayd. FMXLinux is also a commercial product but has recently been made available to Delphi 10.3 Rio Enterprise and Architect developers for free (just open GetIt and install it). FMXLinux allows FireMonkey apps to run on Linux desktops using the Gtk UI library. Gtk comes with an application called Broadwayd which will stream the Gtk app out to HTML5 via websockets. Broadwayd runs on a single port (8080) per app and you can click compile in Delphi 10.3 Rio and see your FireMonkey app in the browser served up from you Linux machine if you start the broadwayd server prior to deployment. If you want to run a pool of FireMonkey apps on Linux like Thinfinity does on Windows you can set up a Linux bash script to do so.

The purpose of the bash script is to run X number of FireMonkey apps through broadwayd (remember 1 app per port) and then use a load balancer make all of the apps accessible via a single port. In order to do this second part there is a Linux package called balance which can do this for you. One limitation of it is that it will only do 16-32 apps in it’s app pool unless you compile the source yourself. You can install balance with “sudo apt install balance” on Ubuntu or “yum install balance” on CentOS. Broadwayd and balance are open source and free applications but the solution is also not as polished as Thinfinity UI. You could also build something in Delphi using TidMappedPortTCP instead of using balance. For commercial deployments I’d recommend going with Thinfinity though.

Here is the sample bash script I put together which handles hosting multiple apps on a single port for you. Save the script as and “chmod +x”. It takes two parameters. The first parameter is the path to the app you want to run and the second parameter is the port you want to run the load balanced app on.

for i in {1..16}
    nohup broadwayd :$i &
    export GDK_BACKEND=broadway
    export BROADWAY_DISPLAY=:$i
    $1 &
    #echo ""


for ii in {1..16}
    let port=8080+$ii
    servers="$servers localhost:$port:1 %"

echo $servers

balance $2 $servers

Example usage is as follows and would host 16 instances of /root/FireMonkeyPaintDemo on port 81.

./ /root/FireMonkeyPaintDemo 81

And that is all there is to it. You can run your Delphi FireMonkey apps on Android, IOS, Macos, Windows, Linux, AND the web using a single codebase and single UI.

Download the gtkcloud broadwayd + balance bash script for hosting Delphi FireMonkey FMXLinux apps.

Don’t have Delphi 10.3 Rio Enterprise or Architect? You can still use FMXLinux with you Delphi Pro FireMonkey apps.

Head over and check out the full website for FMXLinux and learn about deploying Delphi desktop apps to Linux.

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Anatomy Of A Delphi 10.3 Rio Firemonkey App On #Android, #IOS, #Windows, And #macOS

If you are new to working with a full featured framework like Firemonkey you may be wondering at the size of the apps that Delphi 10.3 Rio Firemonkey generates. The Firemonkey Framework has hundreds of thousands of lines of code that allows you to jump ahead and start building the app you want to build now instead of the bricks in the road to get there. Hopefully this infographic will provide some insight into what makes up an APK/IPA cross platform application deployed from Delphi 10.3 with the FMX framework. The infographic covers Android, IOS, Windows, and Mac OSX apps/packages/libraries/archives created using the Firemonkey framework. Tools that utilize the Firemonkey framework are Delphi 10.3, C++Builder 10.3, and RAD Studio 10.3. The infographic only covers Release mode (something you could deploy to your customers). I have also included a VCL section in the infographic so that you can compare the Windows only VCL framework to the cross platform FMX framework. Also keep in mind that when you use debug information or are in Debug mode your file could be significantly larger. The sizes of the generated files are included in the green circles. There is the normal compiled size and then there is the compressed or packaged size. APK and IPA files are packaged and compressed. The compressed sizes for Windows and Mac OSX were achieved using the 7Zip format. Here is some information directly from the infographic as well about what units are included in a FMX app on Android (it is slightly different on each platform) and how those units effect the size of the deployable file.

Let’s start off with a Hello World app which is basically a FMX form with a TLabel on the form. This comes out to around ~5.88MB when deployed to Android as an APK. Even though this is a Hello World app there is already much more functionality here than just the ability to print out ‘Hello World’ to the screen. A true ‘Hello World’ would be much smaller because it would lack these Firemonkey framework units. The FMX and RTL units included are:

System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.StdCtrls

Next up I’ve listed what I call a Basic App that clocks in at ~6.45MB. A basic app has some more visual controls available to it like a TListView, a TEdit, a TListBox, a TTabControl, a TMemo, and even some access to advertising. Here are the FMX units included (in addition to the units from the Hello World app):

FMX.ListView.Types, FMX.Memo, FMX.ListView.Appearances, FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base, FMX.Advertising, FMX.TabControl, FMX.ListBox, FMX.Layouts, FMX.Edit, FMX.ListView, FMX.ScrollBox

This next tier of app size I’ve termed Services because it is basically some Android JAR files which when fully included bring the app up to around ~6.61MB. These services are basically helper services for Android (some of which are provided by Google) like Google IAP, GCM, and Analytics. You can include and exclude each of these files from your APK separately. Here is a list of the additional files:

android-support-v4.dex.jar, cloud-messaging.dex.jar, fmx.dex.jar, google-analytics-v2.dex.jar, google-play-billing.dex.jar, google-play-licensing.dex.jar, google-play-services-*.dex.jar (there are a number of play services covered by this wildcard)

Next up we have what I have termed the Consumer App style app tier which rings in at around ~9.50MB. Obviously if you add more or differently functionality the size of your app can fluctuate greatly. You could also build games and they might fall in this size range depending on how many external graphics and sound you used. This type of app includes more functionality like the RESTClient, the in app purchases unit, sensors, a grid component, and the camera component. Here are the additional FMX and RTL units included by the IDE when these new components (in addition to all of the above) were added:

System.Sensors, System.Rtti, FMX.Grid, System.Sensors.Components, FMX.Media, REST.Response.Adapter, REST.Client, Data.Bind.Components, Data.Bind.ObjectScope, System.Actions, FMX.ActnList, FMX.InAppPurchase

Lastly we have the Enterprise and Database App tier which comes in at around ~11.1MB+ but can increase size from here the more you add to your app. This includes FireDAC functionality for accessing an SQLite database, LiveBindings to bind the data to a grid, accessing various path utility functions, and creating ini files for settings storage. At this level you can add tens of thousands of lines of code and lots of forms and the app could still be around this size. The RTL and FMX units included when this functionality was added (in addition to all of the above units) are as follows:

FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Param, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.DatS, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.DApt.Intf, Data.DB, FireDAC.Stan.ExprFuncs, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef, System.Bindings.Outputs, Fmx.Bind.Editors, Data.Bind.EngExt, Fmx.Bind.DBEngExt, Data.Bind.Components, Data.Bind.DBScope, FireDAC.Phys,FireDAC.Phys.SQLite, FireDAC.Comp.Client, Fmx.Bind.Grid,FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteVDataSet, FireDAC.Comp.DataSet, System.IniFiles, System.IOUtils, FMX.Grid.Style, Data.Bind.Grid, REST.Types, Data.Bind.ObjectScope

You can also take a deep dive into the Firemonkey Framework itself using the Delphi Unit Dependency Scanner. The unit dependency scanner will show you all of the units that your app uses and all of the units that those units use in a treeview. It will also show line numbers of each unit and a total line number count of your entire project.

You can find out more about the Firemonkey Framework on the Embarcadero DocWiki and on the FiremonkeyX website.

Download the full Anatomy of a Firemonkey Framework Multi Platform App infographic for future reference.

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Extend FireMonkey Apps To Linux with Third Party FMXLinux Add-On

The developer team over at KSDev has an add on called FMXLinux available for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo FireMonkey that allows you to compile your cross platform Delphi FireMonkey apps to Linux. Normally you can compile your FireMonkey apps to Windows, OSX, IOS, and Android but FMXLinux brings FireMonkey to the Linux platform. FMXLinux requires the Enterprise Edition of Delphi because it contains the Linux compiler. It is pretty amazing that a third party is able to add an entirely new platform to Delphi as an add on package which speaks to the power of the Object Pascal RTL architecture. FMXLinux allows your FireMonkey apps to run on the desktop in popular Linux distros like Ubuntu. It utilizes Gtk for it’s control framework on Linux.  Gtk also has a way to output Gtk apps to HTML5 and display them in the browser using Gtk Broadway. This basically means you can output FMXLinux apps to HTML5 and display them in the browser (which means FMXLinux actually brings you two platforms: Linux and HTML5). In addition to all of that FMXLinux allows you to use FireMonkey’s graphical capabilities on Linux in CGI scripts and KSDev provides an example. FMXLinux is a commercial tool so there is a cost involves to use it.

Head over and check out all of the different features of FMXLinux which brings you Delphi 10.2 FireMonkey on Linux and HTML5.

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Auto Generate Powerful REST API Client/Server Solution For RAD Server With FireMonkey

Auto Tables is an automatic low code REST API generator for RAD Server. The easy to use interface allows for the quick automatic configuration of a REST server and client SDK with dynamic endpoints providing read, write, and delete access to your data. Everything can be generated from your database tables in just a few clicks. Database tables can be made available with enterprise permissions for over 30 different databases including databases such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and InterBase. Additionally, you can automatically generate endpoints for over 80 more data sources using the Embarcadero Enterprise Connectors. It provides powerful API generation functionality rivaling that of DreamFactory, LoopBack, and Sandman without the complexity.

A graphical Auto Tables for RAD Server Endpoint Editor is provided to help you set up, create, and edit your Auto Tables for RAD Server endpoints. Once you configure your endpoints you can either generate a new RAD Server project or you can save them out for loading into an existing Auto Tables for RAD Server ResourceModule. The configuration format is the standard FireDAC JSON.

Full source code for the Auto Tables RAD Server ResourceModule is provided so you control your REST API server. This gives you the freedom to enhance and modify the source code as needed for your own solutions. AutoTables for RAD Server outputs a Delphi RAD Server project, a Delphi REST client project suitable for LiveBindings, a Delphi REST SDK, an OpenAPI 2.0 api spec file, and a Swagger UI documentation interface. The OpenAPI 2.0 api spec file allows you to generate clients for your REST API in the following languages: ActionScript, Ada, Apex, Bash, C#, C++, Clojure, Dart, Elixir, Elm, Eiffel, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Kotlin, Lua, Node.js, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, Typescript

Check out and download the full Auto Tables for RAD Server source code in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo over on Github.


Auto Tables endpoints utilize a ResourceName for the root segment and then a single dynamic segment for the specific endpoint. The default ResourceName is v1. Parameters are passed in via the query string. An example endpoint would be:


API Versioning

You can utilize the ResourceName segment to create different versions of your API. The default name is v1 for version 1 but you can change it to v2, v3, v4 etc. when you release different versions of the same API. By utilizing version numbers you can run different versions side by side and eventually depreciate older versions.

Request Types

Auto Tables makes the GET, POST, and DELETE HTTP/S request types available as endpoints in RAD Server.


If RequestType is set to GET then a standard HTTP/HTTPS request with a query string coming in will trigger that request. GET Actions include Table, SQL, AggregateSQL, and Method.

  • Table – TableName field will be used to return the full database table
  • SQL – SQL field will be used to execute the SQL query and return the result
  • AggregateSQL – SQL field will be used to execute the SQL query list and return the results
  • Method – Method field will be used to execute the custom Method


If you set Request Type to POST the defined endpoint will expect a FireDAC JSON format to be submitted in the body of the request. POST Actions include Table, SQL, AggregateSQL, and Method. The FireDAC JSON will be loaded into an TFDMemTable. If the auto increment field (ID) is zero Auto Tables will create new records with the submitted rows. If the auto increment field (ID) is greater than zero Auto Tables will edit and replace the existing record with that auto increment id using the data from the submitted row.

  • Table – TableName field will be used to append or edit submitted records
  • SQL – SQL field will be used to execute a SQL query and return the result
  • AggregateSQL – SQL field will be used to execute a SQL query list and return the results
  • Method – Method field will be used to execute the custom Method


If you set Request Type to DELETE the defined endpoint will require an auto increment field (ID) parameter to be passed to it. A DELETE SQL statement will be executed to delete the auto increment id that was passed to the endpoint. DELETE Actions include Table, SQL, AggregateSQL, and Method.


There are a number of actions that can be taken when an Auto Tables endpoint is requested. These Actions include Table, SQL, AggregateSQL, and Method.


Table will automatically return a database table from an endpoint via TFDTable as FireDAC JSON.


SQL will automatically execute the set SQL statement via TFDQuery and return FireDAC JSON when the endpoint is requested. The Params field can be used to define parameters such as PageId and Limit.


Aggregate SQL is a collection of SQL statements which are all executed and returned in a single response. Each SQL statement is executed separately and its result is added to an TFDMemTable. Once all of the SQL statements have been executed the TFDMemTable is returned from the endpoint as FireDAC JSON.


Method actions allows you to define a custom method for each endpoint which will be requested. The custom methods must be defined in the Auto Tables for RAD Server ResourceModule code and have direct access to AContext, ARequest, and AResponse in RAD Server.


The TableName field is used by the GET, POST, and DELETE RequestTypes. When the RequestType is GET the TableName field is used to define the name of the table that will be returned via the endpoint when the Action is set to Table. When the RequestType is POST the TableName field is used to determine on which database table to append or edit records. When the RequestType is DELETE the TableName field will be used as the database table on which the DELETE SQL statement will be executed against.


The SQL field is used to hold the SQL the SQL Action and the SQL list for the AggregateSQL Action. The SQL list for the AggregateSQL Action consists of name=value pairs where name is the name of the field that will be returned in the FireDAC JSON from the endpoint and value is the SQL statement used to fill the name field with a result. Any number of name=value pairs may be used in the AggregateSQL field limited only by the capacity of your database to execute all of the queries and the length of the SQL field itself. The SQL field accepts FireDAC style parameters in the format of :PageId which get resolved to the parameters listed in the Params field.

SQL Field Example For SQL Action


SQL Field Example For AggregateSQL Action

log_count=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Log;
most_recent=SELECT last_modified as most_recent FROM Log LIMIT 0,1;
most_recent_error=SELECT message as most_recent_error FROM Log LIMIT 0,1;

Built In Default Params

There are a number of built in parameters you can use in your SQL statements. These include :UserId, :Username, :TenantId, and :Body. UserId returns the RAD Server UserId. Username returns the RAD Server Username. TenantId returns the current TenantId that is being passed in to RAD Server. And Body returns the contents of the POST body.



The Method field is used to define the name of the custom method in the Auto Tables ResourceModule for RAD Server that will be executed via the endpoint when the Action is set to Method. You can create your own methods using the sample code below. Simply rename the customMethod() function as needed and utilize that name “customMethod” in the Method field.

function TAutoTablesResource.customMethod(AContext: TEndpointContext; ARequest: TEndpointRequest; AResponse: TEndpointResponse): TMemoryStream;




The Params field contains a comma delimited list of parameters that can be passed in to the query string on an endpoint. The parameters are made available or utilized by the various actions.

Reserved Params

The format parameter is reserved for Auto Tables to allow you to return one of 4 formats. You can pass ?format=CSV to return the data as a CSV file. You can pass ?format=XML to return the FireDAC results as XML. You can pass ?format=BINARY to return the FireDAC results as binary. And finally the default format is FireDAC JSON so any other value or an omitted format parameter will return FireDAC JSON.

Params for the SQL and AggregateSQL Actions

For the SQL and AggregateSQL action the parameters are available as parameters in the SQL query. The parameters are automatically inserted as properties and are quoted properly to handle escape characters. For example if a PageId parameter is defined in the Params field the :PageId variable would be available for use in the SQL field such as “SELECT * FROM Log LIMIT :PageId,25”.

Params for Method Actions

The parameters defined in the Params field are directly available to you via the ARequest object in the custom methods.


The Macros field contains a comma delimited list of macros that can be passed in to the query string on an endpoint. The macros can be used in the SQL field and provide access to the FireDAC Macros functionality. Macros can contain SQL database fields and are directly substituted in the SQL string.

Macros for the SQL and AggregateSQL Actions

For the SQL and AggregateSQL action the macros are available as direct string replacement macros in the SQL query. It utilizes the !macro syntax provided in FireDAC. However, the macro strings are sanitized against the list of fields in the table.


Users and Groups are already built into RAD Server. You can have users in multiple different groups. The Groups field in Auto Tables for RAD Server should contain a comma delimited list of RAD Server Groups that should have access to this endpoint. A blank Groups field would allow users who are not logged into RAD Server to access the endpoint. Utilizing this feature you can create a wide variety of permissions for access to the endpoints.


The UniqueID field is used to hold the UniqueID field name for the POST and DELETE RequestTypes. Both RequestTypes utilize a primary key type field to know which field in the table to use for adding, editing, and deleting records. The UniqueID field allows you to customize the name of that unique id field. By default the field name is ID.

Auto Tables for RAD Server Endpoint Editor

The Endpoint Editor allows you to automatically create, quickly customize, and easily edit all of your RAD Server endpoints. It is built in a wizard type interface with multiple easy to use steps. Everything you need to get your REST API server up and running fast is auto generated for you.

It will automatically generate a Delphi RAD Server project, a Delphi REST Client project to connect to RAD Server, and an OpenAPI (Swagger) specification file for your REST API. Additionally, you can copy the dataset component for the server endpoints to the clipboard or you can copy the REST endpoint connection components for the client to the clipboard.

Copy DataSet Component

You can copy the TFDMemTable with all of the endpoint configuration in it to the clipboard. It can then be easily pasted into an existing project.

Generated RAD Server Project

The automatically generated Auto Tables for RAD Server project has all the code already in it for handling the endpoints you have configured in the editor. The project is created from a template in the templates subdirectory. You can edit the template prior to generating your Auto Tables for RAD Server project and customize it as needed.

Copy REST Components

You can copy all of the REST components that needed to connect to the Auto Tables for RAD Server into the clipboard. They can then be easily pasted into an existing project.

Generated REST Client Project

The automatically generated Auto Tables for RAD Server REST Client project has all the code already in it for connecting to your Auto Tables for RAD Server endpoints that you have configured in the editor. The project is created from a template in the templates subdirectory. You can edit the template prior to generating your Auto Tables for RAD Server REST Client project and customize it as needed. Additionally, a Delphi SDK is also generated for the Auto Tables for RAD Server. Generation of SDKs for other languages can easily be added to the modular SDK generator.

Generated OpenAPI

In addition to the server project and client project that can be generated by editor it will also generate an OpenAPI specification document in JSON format. The OpenAPI file can be used to automatically generate SDKs or client projects using tools like OpenAPI-CodeGen or SwaggerHub to automatically create clients in a variety of languages like ActionScript, Ada, Apex, Bash, C#, C++, Clojure, Dart, Elixir, Elm, Eiffel, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Kotlin, Lua, Node.js, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, and Typescript.

The OpenAPI spec generator has a number of different fields it needs filled out to generate a propert OpenAPI spec. These fields include Title, Version, Description, Terms of Service, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact URL, License Name, and License URL.

Check out and download the full Auto Tables for RAD Server source code in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo over on Github.


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Field Service App REST API Client Server FireMonkey Template For Android, IOS, OSX, And Windows

The RAD Server Field Service Template provides an end to end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user administration. It is made up of a REST server module, a desktop client, and a cross platform mobile client. The template can give you a head start in building your own field service solutions. You can download the Field Service Template for free through Embarcadero GetIt.

Note: This post is an excerpt from the Field Service Template app documentation.


The RAD Server Field Service Template utilizes a RAD Server based REST server module for the server side. On the admin side there is a FireMonkey based desktop client for adding, viewing, and managing appointments. Additionally, the admin client allows you to manage parts inventory and do user administration. The offline capable cross platform client app is built in FireMonkey and it can be deployed to Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. There is a single codebase and single UI. It allows you to view pending and completed appointments, map their locations, and mark them as completed. You can also view parts inventory and receive local notifications when new appointments are synced from the server. Both LiveBindings and FireDAC are used extensively through the Field Service Template to provide a low code solution.


LiveBindings is the low code technology built into Embarcadero RAD Studio which allows you to rapidly build and deploy database applications by connecting fields and controls together in the IDE. LiveBindings is used extensively in the Field Service Template to reduce the amount of CRUD code. InterBase tables and TFDMemTables are LiveBinded to various controls to allow editing fields with little or no code.


FireDAC is a Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices, connected to enterprise databases. With its powerful universal architecture, FireDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere, Advantage DB, Firebird, Access, Informix, DataSnap and more, including the NoSQL Database MongoDB. Within the Field Service Template FireDAC is used extensively with LiveBindings to connect to the InterBase and IBLite databases. FireDAC also features a local SQL functionality which allows executing SQL queries against the in memory tables.

RAD Server

RAD Server (EMS) is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying services based applications. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable.


InterBase is a full-featured, high performance, zero administration, lightweight, embeddable relational database for software developers. RAD Server uses InterBase for storing it’s users and groups. InterBase also provides an IBLite Edition of InterBase which can be deployed with your apps. You can find out more about the different editions here:,_ToGo,_and_InterBase_Server_Edition

Architecture Overview

The Field Service Template consists of a RAD Server backend connected to an InterBase database. RAD Service provides REST endpoints which both the Field Service Admin and the Field Service App connect to for performing CRUD operations. Additionally, there is a Field Service Setup app which you will run on the same machine as RAD Server to setup the Field Service Template database and sample data.


  • Field Service Admin
  • Field Service App
  • Field Service Server (RAD Server)
  • Field Service Setup


You should deploy and run the projects in the following order:

    1. RAD Server Dev Server needs to be running for the Field Service Setup app to connect to and create the user accounts.
    2. Field Service Setup app will help you set up your database, the tables and data, and your EMS user accounts.


  • Field Service Server is a RAD Server side REST resource which both the Admin client and the App client interface with. It should be deployable on Windows and Linux through IIS, Apache, or the stand alone RAD Server (EMS) server.
  • Field Service App is a RAD Studio FireMonkey based client application for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. The client application should allow you to select a tenant from your RAD Server and then log in as a user. Once logged in it will download the sample appointment and parts data for your current tenant and allow appointments to be completed. Once an appointment is complete it can be submitted back to the server if there is internet access. If the Field Service App is offline it will save the changed data until it is online again.
  • Field Service Admin is a RAD Studio FireMonkey based client application designed for desktops on Windows and macOS. The Admin app can be used to create and edit appointments, view completed appointments, create and edit parts, and create and edit users.


Field Service Server

The Field Service Server is the RAD Server module for the Field Service App and the Field Service Admin to interface with.

The end points mainly return the FireDAC JSON format which can be easily loaded in to a RAD Studio client or access via standard JSON in a non-RAD Studio environment. FireDAC JSON can be loaded into various FireDAC components like TFDQuery and TFDMemTable using LoadFromStream and LoadFromFile.


GET fieldservice/appts/:PageId – Returns FireDAC JSON containing the appointments list. For Managers it is all appointments. For Technicians it is only their current day appointments for their user account.

GET fieldservice/parts/:PageId – Returns FireDAC JSON containing the parts list.

GET fieldservice/technicians/:PageId – Returns FireDAC JSON containing the users list. For Managers it is all users. For Technicians it is only their own account.

POST fieldservice/update/appt – Receives FireDAC JSON containing an appointment ID and NOTES for an existing appointment, stores the data, and sets the appointment to completed.

POST fieldservice/appts/0 – Receives FireDAC JSON for creating or editing appointments. Returns FireDAC JSON with the IDs. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint. Passing an ID of 0 will create a new record while using an existing ID will edit the existing record.

POST fieldservice/parts/0 – Receives FireDAC JSON for creating or editing parts. Returns FireDAC JSON with the IDs. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint. Passing an ID of 0 will create a new record while using an existing ID will edit the existing record.

POST fieldservice/technicians/0 – Receives FireDAC JSON for creating or editing users. Returns FireDAC JSON with the IDs. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint. Passing an ID of 0 will create a new record while using an existing ID will edit the existing record.


DELETE fieldservice/appts/:Id – Takes the Id to be deleted as the last segment parameter in the URL and deletes the appointment record. Returns JSON. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint.

DELETE fieldservice/parts/:Id – Takes the Id to be deleted as the last segment parameter in the URL and deletes the appointment record. Returns JSON. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint.

DELETE fieldservice/technicians/:Id – Takes the Id to be deleted as the last segment parameter in the URL and deletes the appointment record. Returns JSON. Only users in the Managers group can use this endpoint.

User Permissions:

User permissions are governed by the {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS}. You can comment or uncomment this line for dev and live deployments. User permissions are ignored when {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS} is commented out.

By default there are two Groups setup which are Managers and Technicians.

Different data is returned depending on if the user is in the Managers or Technicians group. Some operations are only allowed by users in the Managers group.

Database Schema:

The FireDAC JSON format is used to pass data back and forth between the server, the Admin client, and the App client. The database schema for the Appointments, the Parts, and the Technicians tables are the same across all four applications. You can save the data from each of the application’s TFDMemTables out to file and load it into each of the other applications.

Field Service Admin

The Field Service Admin project is built in RAD Studio Delphi using FireMonkey (FMX). The Admin app connects to RAD Server on the backend via a REST API. You should be able to log into the Admin area by selecting a Branch ID (Tenant ID) plus entering the login and password for a user in the Managers Group. For this template the default user is manager1.

Be sure to configure the EMS_SERVER and EMS_PORT const in uMainForm.pas to point at your development server. The default is localhost 8080.

The Branch ID is stored with each data table so each branch will only see its own set of appointments, parts, and users. Each branch has its own users and groups as well. The Branch system is built on top of the Tenant functionality in RAD Server.


Appointments are records that can be created, viewed, and edited in the Admin client. They can also be assigned to a Technician. Appointments can be viewed and completed in the Field Service App. Appointments have various fields like Appointment date and time, customer title, description, address information, phone number, location, photo, status, and notes. The photo field supports PNGs and JPGs. Addresses can be converted to longitude and latitude using the Locate button utilizing the Google Geocoding API.


The Service History list is a view into the Appointments and only shows Appointments that have been their status set to Complete. Technicians using the Field Service App submit completed appointments and include notes. The History view utilizes TFDLocalSQL to show only the completed appointments.


Parts are records that can be created, viewed, and edited in the Admin client. They can also be viewed by Technicians. Parts have various fields like title, description, location, quantity, and photo. The photo field supports PNGs and JPGs.


Users are records that can be be created, viewed, and edited in the Admin client. They also show up as an individual profile to logged in Technicians. When a user is created in the Field Service database it also creates a shadow user in the RAD Server Users API where their username and password are stored. By default users can be in the Managers Group or the Technicians Group. The Group information is also stored in the RAD Server Groups API and the server accesses the RAD Server User and Group data for the permissions.

Data Sync

The Data Sync tab in the Admin client is where JSON data is downloaded from the Field Service Server REST endpoint and loaded up into the various in memory TFDMemTable components. Data for the Appointments, Parts, Users, and Groups is all downloaded on this tab. You can also request to Refresh the data at any time to get new updates from the server. Additionally, there is a background TTimer which will refresh the data from the server automatically on an interval.


The architecture of the app is built in a low code rapid application development style using TTabControls for handling pages and individual frames for each page. TActionList is used to consolidate much of the code in the MainForm. There are two TTabControls on the MainForm. The first one contains the Login frame and the second TTabControl. The second TTabControl contains the rest of the frames. Within the ApptsFrame, HistoryFrame, PartsFrame, and TechsFrame there are additional Master/Detail TTabControls.

If you want to make changes to the design time frames be sure to edit the frame itself and not the version of it that is embedded in the MainForm. This will keep your changes consolidated in one place. If your changes don’t update in the MainForm you can delete the Frame from the MainForm and re-add it. Be sure to add it to the correct Tab and set to Align Client after you add the frame.

The frames are built to be as modular as possible with TBindSourceDB components used as endpoints for the LiveBindings. This allows you to easily re-use the frames in your own projects by connecting the TBindSourceDBs to your own datasets.

A TFDLocalSQL component is used to provide SQL access to the various TFDMemTables via TFDQuery components. This allows the App to provide query results for filtering some of the datasets.


The Field Server Admin app will make an additional call after it logs in to download the list of Groups that the current user account is in. It will check to see that the user is in the Managers Group. If the user is not in the Managers Group it will log you back out. There are additional permissions in the Field Server Server which govern what data is sent down to which users as well. Only users in the Managers Group will receive the full data and be able to make changes to it.

Customize The UI

You can quickly and easily customize most of the look and feel of the app with three easy changes. In TMainForm there is a BackgroundRect, a BackgroundImageRect, and a EmeraldDarkStyleBook control. You can change the background color of the app by changing the BackgroundRect.Fill.Gradient property. You can change the image that is overlayed over the entire app by changing the BackgroundImageRect.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap property. The background image works by being above all of the other controls, having a low Opacity, having a HitTest of False and a Locked property of True. Finally, you can change most of the rest of the theme by loading different Premium Styles into the EmeraldDarkStyleBook control.

You can customize the header logo of the Login screen on the LoginFrame. There are a few other places where the custom green color is used on some elements in the TListView controls and some the search icons using a TFillRGBEffect.

You will need to update the BackgroundRect and BackgroundImageRect in the GroupsListForm, the TechsListForm, and the TenantForm as well. There is a BackgroundImage control in the LoginFrame if want to customize the background of the Login page. Remember that you will need to load one style for each of the four deployment platforms. You can access the Premium Styles here:

Field Service App

The Field Service App client project which is built in RAD Studio Delphi using FireMonkey (FMX). The client is targeted for deployment to Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. The Field Service App client connects to RAD Server on the backend via a REST API. You should be able to log into the App client by selecting a Branch ID (Tenant ID) plus entering the login and password for a user in the Technicians Group. For this template the default users are technician1 and technician2.

Be sure to configure the EMS_SERVER and EMS_PORT const in uMainForm.pas to point at your development server. The default is localhost 8080.

The Branch ID is stored with each data table so each branch will only see its own set of appointments, parts, and users. Each branch has its own users and groups as well. The Branch system is built on top of the Tenant functionality in RAD Server.


Appointments are records that can be viewed in the Field Service App client. When you are logged in as a Technician you will only see appointments assigned to you, marked as pending, and with a date of today. Appointments have various fields like Appointment date and time, customer title, description, address information, phone number, location, photo, status, and notes. You can view a static map of the address of the appointment plus you can press a Locate button to bring up an interactive map of the address. You can also click on the phone number on a mobile device and it will launch the call functionality of the device. Technicians can enter notes about an appointment and mark it as complete. The notes and status change are sent to the server.


The Service History list is a view into the Appointments and only shows Appointments that have been their status set to Complete for this technician for today. Newly completed records show up in the History tab even if they have not yet been synced with the server yet.


Parts are records that can be viewed in the Field Service App client. Parts have various fields like title, description, location, quantity, and photo. Parts are not editable in the Field Service App but the data does get updated when synced from the server.


The profile section shows the current Technician that is logged into the Field Service App and their various information. You can also choose to disable the local notifications here. Profile information also shows up in the TMultiView menu.


The notify section shows new appointments that have been downloaded from the server that have not yet been viewed by the current technician. Choosing a notification here will take you to the appointment for that notification. Local notifications are also implemented and when new appointments are received local notifications will be sent to the device. The notification functionality is built so that you can implement your own remote notifications using the same system if needed.

Data Sync

The Data Sync tab in the Field Service App client is where JSON data is downloaded from the Field Service Server REST endpoint and loaded up into the local IBLite database. Data for the Appointments, Parts, and Technician is all downloaded on this tab. You can also request to Refresh the data at any time to get new updates from the server. Additionally, there is a background TTimer which will upload and sync the completed data from the Field Service App automatically on an interval. A cloud icon will appear in the upper left of the Field Service App when there is data to be synced in the queue.


The architecture of the app is built in a low code rapid application development style using TTabControls for handling pages and individual frames for each page. TActionList is used to consolidate much of the code in the MainForm. There are two TTabControls on the MainForm. The first one contains the Login frame and the second TTabControl. The second TTabControl contains the rest of the frames. Within the ApptsFrame and the HistoryFrame there are additional Master/Detail TTabControls.

If you want to make changes to the design time frames be sure to edit the frame itself and not the version of it that is embedded in the MainForm. This will keep your changes consolidated in one place. If your changes don’t update in the MainForm you can delete the Frame from the MainForm and re-add it. Be sure to add it to the correct Tab and set to Align Client after you add the frame.

The frames are built to be as modular as possible with TBindSourceDB components used as endpoints for the LiveBindings. This allows you to easily re-use the frames in your own projects by connecting the TBindSourceDBs to your own datasets.

Offline Caching

The Field Service App is able to work offline once you have logged into your account at least once. The next time you log into the app it will use your previous RAD Server Session ID for any new connections it tries to make to the server. The data from the server is cached as JSON files and stored in the IBLite database. The Appointments are saved as appts.json, the Parts as parts.json, the Techs as technicians.json, and the Tenants as tenants.json. If no connection to the server is available the data will be loaded from those files instead. Additionally, if there is no internet connection it will save the appointments and notes that you have marked completed in the History table of the IBLite database. When the next time an internet connection is detected it will upload those changes.

The Field Service App has a local History table where is stores the local changed state of the Appointments. Even if you re-sync the data from the server and your changes have not been uploaded yet it will apply your existing local changes to this new data until which time it is able to upload the changes to the server.

If you log out of the existing account the local database is deleted until you log in again. If you log out before uploading your changes then you changes would be lost.


The local notification functionality built into the Field Service App relies on the cross platform  TNotificationCenter component that is built into RAD Studio. There is a local IBLite Notify table in the Field Server App where it stores the current state of notifications (whether the user has viewed them already and whether they have been sent to the user’s platform).

When a new Appointment is downloaded from the server during a data sync a new record is added to the IBLite Notify table. A notification is sent to the platform through the TNotificationCenter when this happens. The user can view the notification by clicking on the record on the Notify tab. Once a notification is viewed it will no longer be displayed on the Notify tab.

Each platform handles notifications differently. You should be able to hook up remote notifications as well through this existing local notification system.

Customize The UI

You can quickly and easily customize most of the look and feel of the app with three easy changes. In TMainForm there is a BackgroundRect, a BackgroundImageRect, and a EmeraldDarkStyleBook control. You can change the background color of the app by changing the BackgroundRect.Fill.Gradient property. You can change the image that is overlayed over the entire app by changing the BackgroundImageRect.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap property. The background image works by being above all of the other controls, having a low Opacity, having a HitTest of False and a Locked property of True. Finally, you can change most of the rest of the theme by loading different Premium Styles into the EmeraldDarkStyleBook control.

You can customize the header logo of the Login screen on the LoginFrame. There are a few other places where the custom green color is used on some elements in the TListView controls and some the search icons using a TFillRGBEffect.

The Profile screen for the technician has a background image in the ProfileFrame called HeaderBackgroundRect plus a BackgroundRect control. The Profile is also displayed in the TMultiView control on the MainForm with another control named HeaderBackgroundRect as well. Change the Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap property on both controls.

You will need to update the BackgroundRect and BackgroundImageRect in the WebBrowserForm and the TenantForm as well. Remember that you will need to load one style for each of the four deployment platforms. You can access the Premium Styles here:


Check out the full Deep Dive article about the Field Service Template over on Embarcadero’s site.

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Hospitality Survey App REST API Client Server FireMonkey Template For Android, IOS, OSX, And Windows

The Hospitality Survey App template can be downloaded through Embarcadero’s GetIt which is built into the RAD Studio IDE. Peacekeeper Enterprises (in Bakersfield, CA) developed this template for Embarcadero Technologies. It consists of four different projects that interconnect with each other (plus two additional add on projects). The projects are:

  • Hospitality Survey Setup
  • Hospitality Survey EMS
  • Hospitality Survey Admin
  • Hospitality Survey Client
  • Hospitality Survey Editor
  • Hospitality Survey Admin Client

You should deploy and run the projects in the following order:

1) The Hospitality Survey Setup app will help you set up your database, the tables and data, and your EMS user accounts.

2) The Hospitality Survey EMS is the RAD Server side REST resource which both the Hospitality Survey Client and the Hospitality Survey Admin interface with. It should be deployable on Windows and Linux through IIS, Apache, or the stand alone EMS server.

3) The Hospitality Survey Client is a RAD Studio client application for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. The client application should allow you to select a tenant from your RAD Server and then log in as a user. Once logged in it will download the survey data for your current tenant and allow the survey to be filled out. Once the survey is complete it can be submitted back to the server and a new survey can be started.

4) The Hospitality Survey Admin app is an AngularJS application for the web. You should be able to log into the application with your Tenant ID and RAD Server user ID. The web app should allow you to view statistics and graphs about the results of the survey questions and each individual question and answer. You can also export a list of emails collected from the surveys.

5) The Hospitality Survey Editor allows you to edit the survey questions once your system is live.

6) The Hospitality Survey Admin Client is the same as the Hospitality Survey Admin web app except that it runs on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows as a native client.

In Depth Developer Guide Webinar

Hospitality Survey Setup

Start: Your EMS Server should already be setup and running.

Step 1: Set a path for your stores database. Set the path to the EMSServer database.

The stores database is created, used, and populated with data in Step 4.

The EMSServer database link is used to populate the drop down of Tenant IDs in Step 3.

Step 2: Setup the demo users on the EMS Server using the EMS API.

You will need your EMSServer Host, Port, and Tenant IDs in this step. The Setup will connect to your EMSServer and create groups and users for the template.

You can create Tenant IDs using this tutorial:

Step 3: Customize the questions to be asked in the survey for each tenant. A blank tenant_id will be asked to all tenants.

You can customize the questions in your survey on Step 3. The fields are:

  • ID – An ID for the question.
  • name – A short name for the question with no spaces.
  • title – The text of the question as it will appear in the survey.
  • type – The type of question controls which question template is loaded on the client. The existing types are: rating, yesno, edit, options
  • options – If the type of the question is set to options this field is used to populate the options. It’s value is a JSON array of options.
  • value – The value is where the user submitted data is stored. It can be left blank but could be used to provide a default answer.
  • category – The category of the question. This field is provided for expandability.
  • tenant_id – The tenant ID of the question. If the tenant_id field is blank all tenants will get the question. If it is set to a tenant only that tenant will get the question.

Be sure to update the tenant IDs to to match your tenant IDs.

Pressing the Re-Generate button will create new INSERT queries on Step 4.

Step 4: Create the tables and insert the questions data into your stores database with the Initialize All button.

This step contains the SQL setup queries for the stores database. There are three tables which will be set up which are: SURVEYS, QUESTIONS, RESULTS

Each table will be dropped and re-created when the queries are run (any existing data in the tables will be lost). In the third TMemo field the SQL queries from your questions defined in Step 3 will appear.

Pressing the Initialize All button will execute the SQL queries against your defined stores database from Step 1.

Complete: After step 4 the databases and users should be setup and ready for you to use the client and admin areas.

Your EMS database and users should be setup at this point. You should be able to connect the Hospitality Survey EMS package to your new stores database and compile the package.

Once your Hospitality Survey EMS package is running in the EMS Development Server you should be able to open and compile the Hospitality Survey Client.

After you submit some survey results via the Hospitality Survey Client you should be able to log into the Hospitality Survey Admin and see your results.


Hospitality Survey EMS

The Hospitality Survey EMS is the RAD Server module for the Hospitality Survey Client and the Hospitality Survey Admin to interface with.

The end points mainly return the FireDAC JSON format which can be easily loaded in to a RAD Studio client or access via standard JSON in a non-RAD Studio environment.


GET /survey/ – Download the survey questions in FireDAC JSON format.

POST /survey/complete – Upload the survey questions and answers.

GET /survey/results/* – Download the survey results in a paged fashion in FireDAC JSON format. The page number is placed where the * is.

GET /survey/stats/all – Download various stats about the survey results in FireDAC JSON format.

GET /survey/details/* – Download the questions and answers from a specific survey ID in FireDAC JSON format. The survey ID is placed where the * is.

GET /survey/emails/csv – Download a list of all of the email addresses from completed surveys in CSV format.

GET /tenants/ – Download a list of the server Tenants which are active in FireDAC JSON format.

The endpoints are defined like this in code:

procedure Get(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
procedure GetData(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
procedure PostData(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
if ARequest.Params.Values[‘query’] = ‘results’ then
if ARequest.Params.Values[‘query’] = ‘stats’ then
if ARequest.Params.Values[‘query’] = ‘details’ then
if ARequest.Params.Values[‘query’] = ’emails’ then
// TenantModule.pas
procedure Get(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);

The variable in the /survey/results/* and /survey/details/* endpoints is accessed via ARequest.Segments object like below:

if ASegments.Count = 3 then // first segment is “survey” second is “results or “details” third segment is the variable
SurveyId := ASegments.Items[2];

User permissions:

User permissions are governed by the {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS}. You can comment or uncomment this line for dev and live deployments. User permissions are ignored when {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS} is commented out.


Hospitality Survey Admin

The Hospitality Survey Admin dashboard project which was built in AngularJS. The Admin Dashboard connects to RAD Server on the backend via a REST API. The stats that are displayed are for data that has been collected in the Hospitality Survey Client. AngularJS is a popular framework for building web applications. It uses straight Javascript and HTML as it’s template language. The data binding functionality that it offers eliminates a lot of the CRUD code you would normally have to build. AngularJS uses HTML as it’s View and Javascript as it’s Controller. You can quickly consume JSON from REST end points and display it using AngularJS.

You should be able to log into the Admin area using a Tenant ID and Tenant Secret plus the login and password for a user in the Managers Group. For this template the default user is Manager1.

Note: You must log in with your Tenant ID as the Store ID and not the Tenant Name.


Copy index.html and the img, js, and styles subdirectories to your web server. Optimally you should place them on the same web server as your RAD Server DLL or Shared Object file. They could be placed in an admin subdirectory. You can place them on a different web server than RAD Server but you will need to make sure that your CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set up correctly.

Within the js/admin.js file you should configure the $scope.ServerURL variable to point to the host where you RAD Server install is located. The default is: http://localhost:8080/

CORS Accept permissions:

Within the js/admin.js file you can configure the CORS settings for dev and live versions within the $scope.getHeader function. By default it is setup for development. When you want to switch to the live version (and enable user permissions) you can uncomment the line containing the X-Embarcadero-Session-Token and comment out the line without it. Switch back and forth between the two as needed.

There is a similar setting in the Hospitality Survey EMS server for configuring permissions for dev or live.

REST Endpoints & FireDAC

The Hospitality Survey EMS endpoint returns FireDAC tables as JSON. This allows interchangable compatibility between RAD Studio and clients like AngularJS. Here is an example of walking through the FireDAC table JSON tree to get to the records: data[“FDBS”][“Manager”][“TableList”][0][“RowList”]


In addition to AngularJS the Admin Dashboard also utilizes Chart.js, BootStrap, and a custom Bootstrap style. The Bootstrap style is from and you should be able to go there and get other styles. If you replace the existing style in the project with one of the other styles on it should just drop it without any other effort and you will have an entirely new look (just like how FireMonkey styles work). Chart.js is available from which is a great Javascript library for displaying chart data dynamically in the browser. The Chart.js library has a special shim for AngularJS which facilitates the data exchange between AngularJS and Chart.js. Lastly, BootStrap is used which provides visual theming on HTML form elements (among other things). There is also a special shim for AngularJS which facilitates the easy integration with BootStrap.


Hospitality Survey Client

The Hospitality Survey Client connects to the Hospitality Survey EMS server on multiple end points for downloading and upload data. It is built to be cross platform on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows using a single codebase and single UI.

The survey is dynamically generated based on the questions that are downloaded from the Hospitality Survey EMS server. Each question is assigned to a TFrame which displays that type of question.


The architecture of the app is built in a rapid application development style using TTabControl for handling pages and individual frames for each page. TActionList is used to consolidate much of the code in the MainForm.


uMainForm.pas – Contains the main form of the application including the TTabControl with the design time frames.

uTenantListForm.pas – Contains a separate form for selecting the active Tenant ID.


uTenantsDM.pas – Contains the non visual components for downloading the Tenant list.

Design Time Frames:

uStoreLoginFrame.pas – Contains the store login frame.

uLoginFrame.pas – Contains the user login frame.

uMenuFrame.pas – Contains the main menu of the application including the Take Survey button.

uFinishFrame.pas – Contains the final frame of the application including the Thank You button after a survey has been completed.

uBackendFrame.pas – Contains the non-visual components for downloading survey data and uploading the results.

uProgressFrame.pas – Contains the animated progress controls which are displayed when the application is doing work.

Dynamic Frames:

uComboBoxFrame.pas – Contains the combo box survey question type.

uCompleteFrame.pas – Contains the complete button for the survey.

uEditFrame.pas – Contains the edit survey question type.

uRatingBarFrame.pas – Contains the star rating track bar survey question type.

uSurveyHeaderFrame.pas – Contains the header for the top of the survey.

uYesNoFrame.pas – Contains the Yes/No survey question type.

If you want to make changes to the design time frames be sure to edit the frame itself and not the version of it that is embedded in the MainForm. This will keep your changes consolidated in one place. If you changes don’t update in the MainForm you can delete the Frame from the MainForm and re-add it. Be sure to add it to the correct Tab and set to Align Client after you add the frame.

Note: You must log in with your Tenant ID as the Store ID and not the Tenant Name.


Restaurant Image:


Hospitality Survey Editor

There is also a Hospitality Survey Editor app which will connect to your existing Hospitality Survey database and allow you to customize the questions which are asked in the client. The questions are stored in a table in the database and then downloaded to the client as JSON through RAD Server. The Hospitality Survey Client app loads the JSON and then dynamically creates the input fields using TFrames.

The Hospitality Survey Editor app was created by stripping down the Hospitality Survey Setup app and connecting it directly to the Hospitality Survey database.

Download the full source code for the Hospitality Survey Editor in FireMonkey for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.

Hospitality Survey Admin Client

There is also a Hospitality Survey Admin Client that is another version of the Hospitality Survey Admin dashboard. It is built in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo instead of AngularJS and can be deployed to Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows 10. The Admin Client interface is very similar to the one found in the AngularJS version. TeeChart Lite which comes with RAD Studio was used for the charts in the business Dashboard. The survey results for each completed survey are displayed using the dynamic form code from the original client as well. The Admin Client is based off the main client and just updated to make new REST calls to the needed endpoints for the admin data.

Download the full cross platform source code of the Hospitality Survey Admin Client for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.

13 Amazing Component Sets Driving Success In Delphi Berlin On Android And IOS

There are quite a few Firemonkey component sets available for Delphi Berlin which can get you ahead of the game when developing for Android and IOS. Think of component developers as another part of your team: they do the foundation work for you so you can focus on the actual functionality. Here are thirteen of these component set developers which give you access to everything from FFMPEG video playback to amazing grid capabilities to in app payments to cross platform math libraries to artificial intelligence libraries to scripting components to database access components to native maps to bar code reading and even enhanced camera functionality. Achieving success through third party components is a powerful developer force multiplier.

Alexander Sviridenkov provides the HTML Component Library which contains an HTML Component Library, an HTML Report Library, and an HTML Editor Library. The components are written in Object Pascal and do not use WebView or any other plugins or third party controls. The library contains an HTML parser, an XML parser, a CSS parser, DOM classes with JQuery support, SVG rendering, HTTP/HTTPS clients, and an HTML rendering engine.

Devart provides enterprise grade universal data access component suite called UniDAC. This is an amazing data access component suite which provides direct database access from Android, IOS, Windows, and Mac for a variety of databases. It is possible to connect to Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite without using a client library with these components. They also have a SecureBridge offering which provides SSH, SSL, and SFTP components for Firemonkey in Delphi Berlin.

Dew Research provides MtxVec which is an object oriented numerical library for mathematical, signal processing and statistical functionality. On Windows machines it leverages mathematical, signal processing and statistical SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.2 and Intel AVX 1.0 and AVX 2.0 instruction sets. The add ones for MtxVec are DSP Master which is the advanced signal processing package, Stats Master which is the statistical package, and Data Miner which are the artificial intelligence enabling components.

Flash AV Software Corp. provides professional components based on the FFMPEG library and they have a huge number of features. If you are doing video playback professionally on Android and IOS this is the component set to have. They have FFMPEG wrappers for Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX but their components are separated by platform. It features H264 Hardware Decoder playback on some devices devices and support both ARMV7 and ARMV7S CPUs. The formats it supports are all formats supported by FFMPEG and in addition it can play videos from memory stream, HTTP, HTTPS, RTMP, and MMS.

JVESoft provides the JVESoft Components Suite which is a large set of components which are vary useful for any developer releasing professional consumer level apps on Google Play and the Apple App Store. The suite comes with a large number of third party ad component integrations, analytics, in app purchases, push notifications, simplified setting storage and social login components.

Mitov Software provides quite a few components but for Firemonkey in Delphi Berlin they offer IntelligenceLab, AnimationLab, and LogicLab. IntelligenceLab consists of components with everything from classifiers, to converters, to filters, to generators, to timing components, to training components. These components could be used to build OCR applications, computer vision functionality, SPAM filters, AI, speech recognition, and decision making functionality. AnimationLab comes with three different components which are ALTimeline which allows you to manipulate components and their properties based on a timeline, ALMass which allows you to apply mass effects to Firemonkey 3D components, and ALDrag which allows you to apply drag effects. LogicLab allows you to simulate and display logic conditions using tools like logic operators, segment decoders, binary encoding & decoding, ALU & magnitude comparer, and more.

RiversoftAVG provides a number of component sets including SVG Component Library, Charting Component Suite, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, and Inference Engine Component Libraries.  The SVG Component Library allows you to Load, Edit and Save SVGs as SVG and Delphi Binary. Vector graphics are drawn at runtime which allows them to appear smooth regardless of the resolution and DPI of the device. The Charting Component Suite has over 19 different chart types which include area, arrow, pie, line shape, bubble, donut, candlestick, and graph to name a few. The Genetic Algorithms set is a powerful genetic algorithms and genetic programming solution. The Fuzzy Logic set has 29 different fuzzy hedges like addition, about, not, very, normalize, and many more. It does fuzzy correlation and inference. Finally, the Inference Engine is a powerful set of components which implement rule based intelligence and fuzzy logic.

Steema provides TeeChart Pro which is a charting component library that offers hundreds of Graph styles in 2D and 3D for data visualization, 56 mathematical, statistical and financial Functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 30 Palette components. Additionally, they have the Steema Business Intelligence component set which is open source and in active development. The SteeBI project is set to provide the an effective way for specialists and analysts to turn data into meaningful visualizations and reports.

TMS Software provides a massive number of Firemonkey interface and data exchange components. They include TMS Charts, TMS Cloud Pack, TMS FNC Chart, TMS FNC UI Pack, TMS Filters, TMS FlexCel, TMS Pack, TMS WebGMaps, TMS WebOSMaps, TMS iCL, and TMS mCL all for Firemonkey. There are all kinds of buttons, HTML components, charts, gauges, web browsers, maps, native controls, Excel components, cloud connections, and much much more. All of the Firemonkey components can be licensed as one giant Firemonkey Component Studio or each set can be licensed separately. Additionally, they provide a set of business components with ORM, scripting, workflow, REST/JSON libs, data replication, and data modeling functionality.

VIRT Laboratory’s paxCompiler provides an amazing set of Object Pascal, Basic, and Javascript scripting components. It is an embeddable compiler and interpreter engine that allows you to import the interface sections from your Delphi Berlin units and access the rest of your code from the interpreted script itself. You can access the main form of your application from the interpreted script for example. It also supports compiling executables on Windows and evaluating script at runtime. If you’re building any kind of scripting into your apps be sure to take a look.

WinSoft provides a huge number of individual components and library wrappers for accessing various devices like bar code recognition readers, the device cameras, COM ports, JDBC, DirectX Joystick, JSON files, CSV files, NFC, PDF, HID USB, and many more. Check each individual component for it’s device compatibility because they all vary across Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. You can also get all of the components in one giant Winsoft Component Package.

Woll2Woll provides a versatile grid component suite called FirePower for all the Firemonkey platforms in Delphi Berlin which are Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. It allows you to embed controls like buttons and images into the grid. It supports multiple columns and you can multiple select columns as well. It has seamless filtering and allows you to use in memory information from FireDAC and TClientDataSet. Records or cells can have custom fonts or custom colors for even more flexibility.

There are many more free and commercial Firemonkey components out there from other developers and vendors that we weren’t able to cover in this article.

Check out other Firemonkey posts to find out more about them!

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How To Guide For Developing Mobile Apps With Firemonkey On Android And IOS

If you are new to Delphi, new to Firemonkey, or new to mobile app development it can be a lot of information to take in all at once. Hopefully this guide will help you hit the ground running and accelerate your multi platform development with Delphi 10 Seattle. This information also mostly applies to Appmethod and C++Builder. The guide is going to cover video tutorials for building Android and IOS apps, integrating analytics, adding push notifications, working with IoT devices like Arduino and beacons, and finally on a more advanced level using enterprise services to really take your Firemonkey apps and Delphi deployments to a whole new level on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows.

Delphi Android And IOS Overview

Learn about the Delphi development environment for mobile devices and all about the different sensors and functionality you have access to in this video. The video is for Delphi XE6 so also view the next video below to see the latest upgraded Firemonkey features in Delphi 10 Seattle.

Firemonkey Overview

Firemonkey is a rapidly evolving frame for development on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. Find out all of the newest features and functionality that are available in the latest version under Delphi 10 Seattle in this video.

Debugging Across Devices

Debugging applications across all the Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows platforms can be tricky. Learn how to effectively debug your multi device applications in this video.

Deploying Your Apps To Google And Apple

Developing your app can take some time but getting it deployed into the Google and Apple apps stores can be tricky. Learn how to setup and deploy your Android and IOS applications in this video.

Push Notifications

One way you can send information to your apps and keep your users engaged is to use push notifications. There are a lot of different ways to do this and it can be complex to support both Android and IOS methods. Learn how to use the Kinvey BaaS service to implement push notifications in this video.

Track Usage With Analytics

Use the analytics data to improve your apps instead of blindly developing new features. Learn to utilize the AppAnalytics component to start collecting data on how your users use your apps in this video.

Inter App Communication

If you are a long time Delphi developer and you have VCL applications that you want to get talking to Android and IOS devices or you just want all of your devices to easily communicate with each other you should take a look at AppTethering. Learn to use AppTethering for inter app communication in this video.

Talk To Arduino Devices

You can use Arduino devices for a variety of automation and sensor collection tasks. Learn how to use Delphi to talk to Arduino devices in this video.

Utilize Localized Geo Location

Integrate Beacons and beacon fencing into your apps for localized geo location services within buildings. Learn how to use the BeaconFence library to create localized events based on user locations with beacons in this video.

Quickly Deploy An Enterprise Cloud

Leverage the Embarcadero Enterprise Mobility Services cloud service to get your enterprise development up and running quickly. Learn how to create custom endpoints, implement push notifications, and create a custom login system in this video.

Ready for more? Dive right in with these hands on mobile app tutorials for Delphi 10 Seattle.

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Top Ten Video Roundup Of Awesome Connected Devices Integrated With Firemonkey

Programmable and internet connected devices like the Arduino are exploding in popularity. There are quite a few videos on up YouTube showing fun integrations between Delphi and various bluetooth, wifi, and serial connected devices. Here are the top 10 Delphi device integration videos I’ve seen.

Some of them utilize Delphi XE8 Firemonkey apps on Android and IOS while others are simple Delphi 7 VCL apps using a COM port. There are three different Arduino integrations, two different drone integrations, a brain interface integration, a robot arm integration, a depth sensor integration, an animatronic head integration, an integration with beacons and mobile devices, and a gesture control integration. Three runner ups are listed at the end and they are a swimsuit integration, IP camera integration, and a temperature sensor integration.

Add your favorite Delphi hardware integration videos I’ve missed in the comments below!

#1 Animatronic Terminator Head Controlled Via A Delphi XE8 Android App

There are four different servo motors that control this creep animatronic head. Is that the Firemonkey light in his eyes?

#2 Delphi Firemonkey Android App Controlling LED Lights In The Room

This is a slick looking control interface for changing the room lights by sliding the colored bars in this Delphi app. Another similar video is here.

#3 Audience Member Controls A Drone Using His Brain Via Appmethod App And An Emotiv Headset

Nothing says this is the future like watching a guy fly a hovering vehicle with his mind. There is a second longer video with more explanation and background that you can watch here.

#4 Robot Arm Sketches Letters Via An Arduino And Delphi Control App

The Delphi app in this video is actually playing back a list of commends to create the sketch.

#5 Demonstration Of Accessing Microsoft Kinect Depth Data From Within Delphi

You can see the depth data made available via the Kinect SDK in this video. Includes sample source code.

#6 Ultrasonic Ping Pong Game Build In Delphi And Controlled Via An Arduino

This one is awesome because of the ultrasonic controllers. The Delphi and Arduino source for this integration is available in the YouTube description. The runner up to this video uses a knob but it also has a speaker (check it out here).

#7 Appmethod Control App Used To Pilot A Parrot AR Drone Around The Office

It’s hard to top a brain controlled drone but sometimes you just need the drone to go where you want and that’s where controlling it with a Delphi app comes in.

#8 Medical App Built In Delphi On Android And IOS Utilizes Check Ins Via Beacons For Distance

I believe the apps demonstrated in this video were covered in a webinar by Embarcadero and you can find all the resources for building the apps here.

#9 Appmethod Reads Data From A Myo Gesture Control Armband To Move A TRectangle

There is also a second video here where the armband is used to control a photo app in Delphi with gestures.

#10 Slick Looking Delphi App Used To Control An Arduino Via Wifi And Bluetooth

You can test out this app demo yourself and get the Arduino side of the source code here.

BONUS: Connected Swimsuits That Monitor (Via Delphi) How Much Sun They’ve Received

It isn’t quite clear how Delphi (or Appmethod) is used. I assume it is used by the sunlight monitoring device as the control app on a tablet or phone.

DOUBLE BONUS: IP Cameras And I/O Controllers Connected And Controlled Via An A Delphi Android App

This video is good but it is someone long as it contains a lot of technical details and a lot of connected devices. Really good showcase of technology.

TRIPLE BONUS: Read Temperature Data From An Arduino Device Using Delphi And Display It In An App

This integration with Delphi is achieved via simple serial port interface.

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Ten Tips For Building Professional Multi Platform Enterprise Apps With Firemonkey

Delphi XE8 Firemonkey Android IOS OSX Windows TipsYou can utilize these tips when building Firemonkey apps with Rad Studio XE8, Delphi XE8, C++Builder XE8, and Appmethod for Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX devices.

#1. Secure And Compress Your Data Connections

In a mobile world it is more important than ever to secure and compress your data connections. Your users are hopping from hotspot to hotspot and switching between 2G, 3G, and 4G as they travel while using your apps. You never know how fast the data connection will be or who might be trying to snoop on your enterprise data. Delphi XE8 uses the platform native HTTP clients for it’s REST requests so that it’s SSL/TLS implementation is always up to date. You can secure other types of connections using SSH tunneling.

#2. Secure Your Local Databases With A Password

If you are deploying a local database like SQLite (or Interbase) with your app you can encrypt the local database by setting a password. Whether it is company enterprise data, user medical data, or even user photos encrypting your local database will help keep your app data and your user’s app data secure.

#3. Keep Your Mobile Apps Responsive With Native Progress And Activity Dialogs

It is never a good idea for your users to feel like your app is frozen while it does a calculation or loads some data. Using a native progress or activity dialog can keep your app fast and responsive while your app performs work in the main thread or even other threads.

#4. Check Network Connectivity Before Trying To Connect

With mobile apps especially it is always a good idea to check for a network connection prior to attempting to open a connection. Users on mobile devices can enter and leave connectivity at any time as they travel and your app should be built with this in mind. This applies to REST, app tethering, and straight TCP/UDP connections. Some mobile platforms (like IOS) even require that you make network connections outside of the main thread so utilize anonymous threads as much as possible.

#5. Keep The Focused Edit Field Visible Above The Virtual Keyboard

If the virtual keyboard pops up over your memo or edit control in the lower half of the device screen you will need to implement a solution to scroll the field into view. There is a demo included with the latest version of Delphi called ScrollableForm which demonstrates another way of doing it.

#6. Keep In Contact With Your Users Through Push Notifications

Whether you are sending an enterprise notification about a company event or notifying a user that they have a new message increasing user retention by utilizing push notifications can really help your app succeed. Push notifications are what allow you to re-connect with a user even though the user is not currently running your app. You can utilize the BaaS components in Delphi XE8 to implement push notifications through Parse and Kinvey or you can use a third party component which implements the Pushwoosh API.

#7. Use Premium Styles For A Professional Look

There are nine premium styles that come with Delphi XE8 Firemonkey and they can really give your app a professional look. Utilizing premium styles can also allow you to provide a light and a dark theme so your users can decide which works best in their lighting environment (Hint: the dark themes work great in full sun environments). Be sure to test out using gradients and images on your form backgrounds to really make these premium themes pop.

#8. Handle App Buttons And Lifecycle System Events

When building multi platform apps be aware of the different buttons and events available on each platform. You can handle the back and menu (VK_MENU in OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events) buttons on Android devices so your users will have an intuitive flow inside of your apps. You can also utilize events like FinishedLaunching, BecameActive, and EnteredBackground to handle changes in your app’s lifecycle. There is also a bonus component called TfgApplicationEvents which gives you easy access to OnIdle, OnOrientationChanged, and OnStateChanged.

#9. Efficiently Display Data In ListViews With Custom ItemAppearance

The standard TListView component that comes with Delphi XE8 takes one-two lines of text (a title and a detail), an image, and an accessory icon on the right. If you want to display more lines of text in each item you will need to add a custom ItemAppearance. One of the custom ItemAppearances that can be installed supports 4 lines of text (a title and 3 details). Additionally, you can create your own custom ItemAppearances and add even more. Lastly you could also use a TListBox where you can embed any number of other controls within each TListBoxItem.

#10. Optimize Icon And Splash Screen Creation And Deployment

There are a lot of different icon sizes that you will have to create to support all of the different devices and device resolutions that are available. Each of the four major app stores (Google, Apple, Amazon, and Samsung) have their own icon size requirements. There is a free utility available which makes this easier or there is a free website which will generate icons as well. A second free tool will help you make all the splash screen images you need. When deploying to Android devices be sure to add your icon to the homescreen so user’s can easily find your app. Don’t have an icon yet? Check out this set of 750 free icons from Google.

BONUS TIP: Track Usage Of Your App And Exceptions With Analytics

Delphi XE8 comes with a TAppAnalytics component which allows you to see how users are using your app. The feedback you receive from analytics allows you to make smart decisions on how to iterate the next version of your app. You can add custom event tracking anywhere in your app and send exception information automatically to the server for review. Seeing exactly where users may be getting stuck or what features they use the most is gold. The TAppAnalytics feature is a cloud service with both a free tier and paid tiers. There is also a third party component that allows you to also track your app usage using Google Analytics. Both components require an internet connection.

DOUBLE BONUS: Take a deep dive into the inner workings of cross platform mobile apps built with Delphi XE8 Firemonkey.

Check out more tips for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey on Android, Delphi XE5 Firemonkey on Android, Delphi XE5 Firemonkey on IOS, building games with Firemonkey, debugging Delphi XE7 Firemonkey apps, and migrating from C# and .NET to Delphi.

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