Tag Archives: bluetooth

How To Guide For Developing Mobile Apps With Firemonkey On Android And IOS

If you are new to Delphi, new to Firemonkey, or new to mobile app development it can be a lot of information to take in all at once. Hopefully this guide will help you hit the ground running and accelerate your multi platform development with Delphi 10 Seattle. This information also mostly applies to Appmethod and C++Builder. The guide is going to cover video tutorials for building Android and IOS apps, integrating analytics, adding push notifications, working with IoT devices like Arduino and beacons, and finally on a more advanced level using enterprise services to really take your Firemonkey apps and Delphi deployments to a whole new level on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows.

Delphi Android And IOS Overview

Learn about the Delphi development environment for mobile devices and all about the different sensors and functionality you have access to in this video. The video is for Delphi XE6 so also view the next video below to see the latest upgraded Firemonkey features in Delphi 10 Seattle.

Firemonkey Overview

Firemonkey is a rapidly evolving frame for development on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. Find out all of the newest features and functionality that are available in the latest version under Delphi 10 Seattle in this video.

Debugging Across Devices

Debugging applications across all the Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows platforms can be tricky. Learn how to effectively debug your multi device applications in this video.

Deploying Your Apps To Google And Apple

Developing your app can take some time but getting it deployed into the Google and Apple apps stores can be tricky. Learn how to setup and deploy your Android and IOS applications in this video.

Push Notifications

One way you can send information to your apps and keep your users engaged is to use push notifications. There are a lot of different ways to do this and it can be complex to support both Android and IOS methods. Learn how to use the Kinvey BaaS service to implement push notifications in this video.

Track Usage With Analytics

Use the analytics data to improve your apps instead of blindly developing new features. Learn to utilize the AppAnalytics component to start collecting data on how your users use your apps in this video.

Inter App Communication

If you are a long time Delphi developer and you have VCL applications that you want to get talking to Android and IOS devices or you just want all of your devices to easily communicate with each other you should take a look at AppTethering. Learn to use AppTethering for inter app communication in this video.

Talk To Arduino Devices

You can use Arduino devices for a variety of automation and sensor collection tasks. Learn how to use Delphi to talk to Arduino devices in this video.

Utilize Localized Geo Location

Integrate Beacons and beacon fencing into your apps for localized geo location services within buildings. Learn how to use the BeaconFence library to create localized events based on user locations with beacons in this video.

Quickly Deploy An Enterprise Cloud

Leverage the Embarcadero Enterprise Mobility Services cloud service to get your enterprise development up and running quickly. Learn how to create custom endpoints, implement push notifications, and create a custom login system in this video.

Ready for more? Dive right in with these hands on mobile app tutorials for Delphi 10 Seattle.

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Top Ten Video Roundup Of Awesome Connected Devices Integrated With Firemonkey

Programmable and internet connected devices like the Arduino are exploding in popularity. There are quite a few videos on up YouTube showing fun integrations between Delphi and various bluetooth, wifi, and serial connected devices. Here are the top 10 Delphi device integration videos I’ve seen.

Some of them utilize Delphi XE8 Firemonkey apps on Android and IOS while others are simple Delphi 7 VCL apps using a COM port. There are three different Arduino integrations, two different drone integrations, a brain interface integration, a robot arm integration, a depth sensor integration, an animatronic head integration, an integration with beacons and mobile devices, and a gesture control integration. Three runner ups are listed at the end and they are a swimsuit integration, IP camera integration, and a temperature sensor integration.

Add your favorite Delphi hardware integration videos I’ve missed in the comments below!

#1 Animatronic Terminator Head Controlled Via A Delphi XE8 Android App

There are four different servo motors that control this creep animatronic head. Is that the Firemonkey light in his eyes?

#2 Delphi Firemonkey Android App Controlling LED Lights In The Room

This is a slick looking control interface for changing the room lights by sliding the colored bars in this Delphi app. Another similar video is here.

#3 Audience Member Controls A Drone Using His Brain Via Appmethod App And An Emotiv Headset

Nothing says this is the future like watching a guy fly a hovering vehicle with his mind. There is a second longer video with more explanation and background that you can watch here.

#4 Robot Arm Sketches Letters Via An Arduino And Delphi Control App

The Delphi app in this video is actually playing back a list of commends to create the sketch.

#5 Demonstration Of Accessing Microsoft Kinect Depth Data From Within Delphi

You can see the depth data made available via the Kinect SDK in this video. Includes sample source code.

#6 Ultrasonic Ping Pong Game Build In Delphi And Controlled Via An Arduino

This one is awesome because of the ultrasonic controllers. The Delphi and Arduino source for this integration is available in the YouTube description. The runner up to this video uses a knob but it also has a speaker (check it out here).

#7 Appmethod Control App Used To Pilot A Parrot AR Drone Around The Office

It’s hard to top a brain controlled drone but sometimes you just need the drone to go where you want and that’s where controlling it with a Delphi app comes in.

#8 Medical App Built In Delphi On Android And IOS Utilizes Check Ins Via Beacons For Distance

I believe the apps demonstrated in this video were covered in a webinar by Embarcadero and you can find all the resources for building the apps here.

#9 Appmethod Reads Data From A Myo Gesture Control Armband To Move A TRectangle

There is also a second video here where the armband is used to control a photo app in Delphi with gestures.

#10 Slick Looking Delphi App Used To Control An Arduino Via Wifi And Bluetooth

You can test out this app demo yourself and get the Arduino side of the source code here.

BONUS: Connected Swimsuits That Monitor (Via Delphi) How Much Sun They’ve Received

It isn’t quite clear how Delphi (or Appmethod) is used. I assume it is used by the sunlight monitoring device as the control app on a tablet or phone.

DOUBLE BONUS: IP Cameras And I/O Controllers Connected And Controlled Via An A Delphi Android App

This video is good but it is someone long as it contains a lot of technical details and a lot of connected devices. Really good showcase of technology.

TRIPLE BONUS: Read Temperature Data From An Arduino Device Using Delphi And Display It In An App

This integration with Delphi is achieved via simple serial port interface.

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